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Paige Pierce

Profession: Professional Disc Golfer

Hometown: Plano, Texas

Currently Resides: Plano, Texas

Favorite Humm: Mango Passion Fruit

Follow Me: @paigeapierce

HummSquad Profile: Paige Pierce

Paige Pierce is a 4-time Professional Disc Golf Association World Champion, winning her first title at age 19. She's also won 14 other professional national tournaments including becoming the first woman to win the U.S. Disc Golf Championship Performance Flight. A member of the Dynamic Discs World Champion Team, she has consistently ranked among the top four professional female players since 2011. She even has her own signature disc called the Lucid Convict. Talk about disc dominance! She opened our conversation by explaining how her passion for the sport began with some fun father-daughter time when she was a little kid.

You grew up in Plano, Texas, across the street from a big park. Did that encourage your love of the disc at a young age?

It did. When I was really young my dad learned about disc golf and got super into it. So, starting when I was about four, we'd spend weekends playing at the park. I loved it right away. Soon enough I was practicing on my own. And then at age eight I played in my first tournament. That’s when I really started getting into it. When I was 12, I would play with my dad and his friends, and occasionally I would throw as far as them. I wouldn’t outscore them, but to know I could throw as far made me realize I could probably get good at this with some practice.

Is disc golf a growing sport?

It’s growing rapidly. I see it in my day-to-day life and as I travel. And the numbers would show it, too. Several years ago, when I’d wear a disc golf shirt, people would ask me about it because they were intrigued. At that time, most people hadn’t heard of the sport. So, I’d explain it to them and sometimes get into long conversations about it. Now, more people know about it. I still get stopped when wearing my disc shirts, but now people want to talk about disc types they prefer or courses they like. This happens to me daily. It’s so cool.

Does the sport allow you to travel?

The travel is probably my favorite part of all this. Every week during the season, which runs February through October, I’m in a different state competing. Plus, I’ve been abroad to compete about 12 times including trips to Japan, Finland, Sweden, Australia, Switzerland, and Germany. I go overseas about twice a year. When I’m not traveling, there are about 50 courses within an hour’s drive of my house. Dallas is a hot bed for disc golf.

Sounds like a perfect lifetime fitness sport. Do you see players of all ages on the courses?

Yes, it’s a diverse sport. You don’t see as big of an age range at tournaments, though we do have different divisions for ages and skill levels. But when I go out for casual rounds I see people from 6 to 70 years old and everything in between.

What's your happy?

Competing in this sport and traveling. And it’s so cool they go hand in hand. I think I was born to be a competitor and I discovered I can excel at disc golf. I’m so fortunate to get to do this while also traveling the world. It’s a great combination of living my passion and loving the traveling life where I get to see new places all the time.

“Whenever I’m humming, which is often, I tend to get lost in the song and with what I’m doing. It’s kind of Zen.”

What does Humm mean to you?

A couple of things. First, the people at Humm are so passionate about what they do, so it represents that. And their excitement is contagious. The second meaning is more literal. Whenever I’m humming, which is often, I tend to get lost in the song and with what I’m doing. It’s kind of Zen. This goes along with my passion for disc golf and how I approach it. I try to zone out on the course and let muscle memory take over, and humming helps me with the process.

Tell us about one of your heroes.

Of course, members of my family are heroes to me. But in general, my heroes are people who are living their dreams and showing the younger generation that they can do whatever they set their mind to. I think that’s worthy of being heroic.

Where and when do you drink Humm? And what's your favorite flavor?

My favorite flavor is Mango Passion Fruit. I also love Coconut Lime. I usually drink kombucha in the morning. I have a hard time eating in the morning, and since Humm has probiotics it helps with my appetite while also getting me going. I also drink it while playing long rounds in the hot sun. It’s super refreshing and perfect for disc golf. And I love introducing it to people I play with. I’ve had the honor of sharing Humm with many fellow disc golfers through clinics and tournaments.

If you could personally present a bottle of Humm to anyone, who would it be and why?

Recently, during a tournament, I stayed with a host in Houston who works for NASA and she gave me a tour of the facility. When we were there I saw a live video of Peggy Whitson. She’s the astronaut and space station crewmember with a bunch of records including spending the longest time in space. I would like to personally give her one — in space. Who wouldn’t want to drink Humm in space!

When did you first connect with Humm? And how did you become part of the HummSquad?

I first connected with Humm in March 2016 when my friend Mike Beshore, who works at Humm, came to a big disc golf event and brought a mini keg of kombucha. I had never tried it before and was blown away at how good it was! About a year later, Mike reached out and asked if I’d like to work together to grow each other's passions. Of course I said yes, as I was in love with the product and the company’s vision. I feel honored to be a small part of the community that Humm has created!

See all the HummSquad
